

Careers in the public sector

What do engineers do in the public sector?

Depending on your specialism, engineers in the public sector use their technical and construction skills and knowledge to manage large infrastructure or construction projects or retrofitting and energy management strategies. Engineering can include building, mechanical, structural or civil engineering backgrounds. Roles within Authorities vary, but as an Engineer, your role might include:

  • Delivering complex projects in infrastructure, property development, transport, and utilities.
  • Conduct feasibility studies and site investigations, undertake complex calculations and set up project specifications.
  • Reviewing and providing input to local plan policies and guidance for sustainable construction and energy efficiency
  • Project managing the delivery of carbon-reduction projects such as retrofitting, including thermal fabric strategies or the installation of new heat networks.
  • Acting as a specialist point of contact and presenting technical information to decision-makers and at inquiries, briefing Members and colleagues about sustainability or infrastructure decisions.

What type of job roles might a civil engineer be suitable for?

People with engineering backgrounds may be suitable for a wide range of public sector built environment roles, including:

  • project management - managing delivery of complex projects within infrastructure, development, and transport utilities;
  • planning - developing policy, commenting on planning applications or advising on building systems, products, regulations and standards;
  • sustainability - developing guidance or delivery on sustainable construction or energy efficiency.

Progression would involve moving to a managerial or senior leadership position, with more responsibility for overseeing projects, supervising the work of team members, communicating with contractors and consultants, and managing large budgets.

Engineers we've recruited into public sector roles

Qualifications needed

Depending on the type of Engineering specialism there are a number of different qualifications a public sector organisation may look for when appointing an engineer into their team.

Civil Engineering: Qualification requires an undergraduate degree accredited by the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) followed by a postgraduate degree or practical employer-led learning programme.

Mechanical Engineering: Qualification and achieving chartered status requires an undergraduate degree accredited by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.

Structural Engineering: Qualification requires an undergraduate degree in civil or structural engineering or a postgraduate degree in structural engineering. After this, structural engineers can work towards chartered membership with the Institution of Structural Engineering.

Building Services Engineering: Qualification requires a degree accredited by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. Common related degrees include electrical engineering, environmental engineering and sustainable construction.

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